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Australia Day Special: 15% Off Custom Sleep & Swim Plugs! Use Code OZDAY15. Offer Ends 27 Jan.

Earwax and Ear Infections: Reasons and Precautions

Earwax and Ear Infections: Reasons and Precautions

Earwax serves several important functions, including protecting the ear from foreign materials, lubricating the ear canal, and preventing dryness and itching.However, when the ear's self-cleaning system fails, a wax plug can form, leading to issues such as hearing loss, a feeling of blocked ears, itching, and an increased risk of infection.

As for ear infections, it is also a very common condition that during the first 3 years of life approximately 80% of children have at least once of acute otitis media and more than a third are subject to recurrences, especially during seasonal changes and in the winter months. Now let's take a closer look at these two conditions and discover the steps to take to protect our ear health.

What Is Earwax and How Does It Build-Up?

Earwax is a waxy substance normally produced by the sebaceous and ceruminous glands of the external auditory canal. A proper amount of earwax is essential to maintain a certain level of humidity in the ear - thus reducing the risk of drying out -and to prevent the entry of harmful particles (pathogens, dust, water, etc.).Earwax blockage is an ear obstruction caused by the accumulation of waxy secretion in the external auditory canal. When, for hygienic or pathological reasons, the earwax is unable to flow towards the outside of the auricle, an accumulation of earwax occurs in the ears.

Main causes of earwax plug formation:

·      Dermatitis with excessive sloughing of the cells lining the ear canal

·      Production of particularly viscous and compact earwax

·      Use of hearing aids (which slow the flow of earwax)

·      Habitual use of earplugs for many hours (for example, at night)

·      Poor ear hygiene: use of cotton swabs to clean the external auditory canal

How to Remove Earwax Blockage?

Once it has been established that the hearing loss and any other symptoms present are caused by an earwax blockage, a suitable system must be identified to remove it.

There are various methods and products available to soften, dissolve and eliminate earwax blockages: some, which are very simple, can be used independently at home and, in many cases, allow for improvement within a few days; other approaches, however, must be performed by a doctor after reaching a diagnosis by observing the ear canal using an instrument called an otoscope. A visit to a specialist is necessary in particular for the removal of particularly “hard” plugs, which can be removed by the doctor using suction systems or by irrigating the ear canal with warm water, administered using a needle-free syringe. It isimportant to avoid any action that could cause trauma to the ear such as using cotton swabs in the ear canal.

What is the Ear Infection?

Ear infection or otitis is an inflammatory process of a predominantly infectious nature that affects the ear. Depending on the portion of the ear involved, several forms of otitis can be diagnosed: internal (or labyrinthitis), medial(affecting the middle ear) and external (swimmer's ear). Earache, tinnitus and hearing loss are three particularly frequent symptoms in all forms of otitis.The disease is generally treatable in a few weeks. In any case, no symptom should be underestimated, considering the real risk of complications (e.g.vertigo, perforation of the eardrum, deafness, etc.).

Precautions for Ear Infections

·      Applying warm compresses directly to the ear affected by ear infection is a good remedy for temporarily relieving the pain.

·      In case of diagnosed bacterial or viral otitis, follow a specific antibiotic/antiviral therapy prescribed by the doctor

·      When swimming, it is advisable to use earplugs to protect your ears from the water: this advice is particularly useful for preventing external otitis.

·      After a warm bath or swim, dry the external auditory canal thoroughly.

·      During the night's rest, it is advisable to sleep with your head slightly raised.

For more information on managing earwax blockage and ear infections, and to explore professional ear care services, visit earLAB. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you maintain healthy ears and optimal hearing.

