Australia Day Special: 15% Off Custom Sleep & Swim Plugs! Use Code OZDAY15. Offer Ends 27 Jan.

Australia Day Special: 15% Off Custom Sleep & Swim Plugs! Use Code OZDAY15. Offer Ends 27 Jan.

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Deathmetal is the loudest music genre at live concerts on average, with rock and heavy metal not far behind.

In 2009 a Kiss concert recorded an SPL of 136 dB during their live performance, which is approximately the threshold of pain, and the equivalent of the loudest human voice shouting 1 inch (2.5 centimetres) away from the ear. This would cause almost immediate permanent hearing damage.

The average concert is 100 dB, which unprotected ears can last 15 minutes without potential hearing damage. With hearing protection, this can increase to 8+ hours.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 17

The ACS Pro 17 ear plugs are the most versatile and natural sounding hearing protectors in the world. Perfect for clubbers and gig-goers.

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ACS Pro 17 earplugs

While most cooking appliances average 40-60 dB, a bench-mounded coffee grinder can produce noise levels of 88 to 95 dB, while hand-held angle grinders are even louder and can produce noise levels of about 90 to 115 dB. Blenders are a close second, with an average of 88 dB and some can get as loud as 100 dB.

Without hearing protect, you can listen to a quieter blender for 4 hours before potential hearing damage, but only 30 minutes for a louder blender. With a loud coffee grinder, it could cause damage in just a few minutes. With hearing protection, that can increase to 1+ hours.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

Pacato 16

Reusable high fidelity hearing protectors that provides simple protection for most situations. You can still hear everything you need to, minus the danger.

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The average power tool has 80-100 dB, while the hammer drill is the loudest tool with an average of 115 dB. Saws and angular grinders aren't far behind, with an average of 110 dB.

Unprotected ears can typically last 15 seconds while using a hammer drill without risk of permanent hearing loss, but can increase to 4+ hours while using the right hearing protection.

For a standard power tool of 95 dB, your ears can last for 1 hour before risk of permanent damage.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 26

Used in a wide variety of industrial environments, the ACS Pro 26 ear plugs provides hearing protection from power tools for 1+ hours.

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While the title for the loudest motorcycle can be subjective and often depends on modifications made by the owners, the Harley-Davidson V-Rod with aftermarket exhaust systems is often cited as one of the loudest motorcycles.

Due to sound regulations, motorcycles in Australia are no louder than 95 dB which the average unprotected ear can listen to for 1 hour. This doesn't include the surroundings or wind noise, which once accounted for, will cause permanent damage much quicker, and wouldn't recommend longer than 30 minutes. With hearing protection, the total exposure time can increase up to 24 hours.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

Drivercom Pro 27

Specifically designed for motorcycles, the Drivercom Pro 27 allows some ambient hearing allowing for more situational awareness while protecting your ears.

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It is hard to pinpoint the loudest gun, but it is commonly agreed that the .50 BMG is one of the loudest guns available, with the .44 Magnum not far behind. The .50 BMG can surpass 160 decibels which is incredibly dangerous for your hearing.

For contrast, sounds at or below 70 decibels are generally safe, a motorcycle engine is typically around 95 dB, a chainsaw is around 120 dB, and a jet take-off (at 25 metres) is 150 dB and can cause your eardrums to rupture. Even 1 shot from a .22-caliber rifle without hearing protection can cause hearing damage, reaching 140 dB.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

Pro Impulse

The new Pro Impulse filter has been specially developed to reduce sudden high volume sounds from being transmitted to the inner ear, while allowing normal hearing at all other times.

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Watersports can cause a handful of ear problems, including infections, swimmers/surfers ear, exostosis and eardrum perforation. These issues, including infection, can occur even in a chlorinated pool.

Both surfer's ear and swimmer's ear is primarily caused by prolonged exposure to cold water or wind, but the condition can be caused by warm water as well. The easiest solution is to wear swimming earplugs, which helps keep water out of your ears and prevents water-related ear infections, ear pain, “swimmer’s ear” and many more problems.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...


Custom made earplugs for water sports providing protection from water and wind. Earplugs that keep water out & let the sound in.

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The average singing voice can reach 80 dB, and any sounds over 70 dB is considered dangerous for our ears. That means you can cause hearing loss if from your own singing, if you do it enough and for long enough.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 15

Custom made soft silicone earplugs with hearing protection filters giving soft attenuation at lower frequencies, creating reduced occlusion. Popular with vocalists, orchestral and acoustic musicians.

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The loudest acoustic instrument is the pipe organ, which can harm your ears within seconds if played at maximum volume. The bagpipes aren't close behind, reaching 115 dB which can cause permanent damage to your ears in 15 seconds.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 15

Custom made soft silicone earplugs with hearing protection filters giving soft attenuation at lower frequencies, creating reduced occlusion. Popular with vocalists, orchestral and acoustic musicians.

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The loudest noise you can safely listen to is 70 dB. A sound at 80 dB you can listen to for 16 hours meanwhile a sound at 115 dB you can only listen for 15 seconds. The average concert is 100 dB, which you can listen to for 15 minutes without causing hearing damage, or 8+ hours with hearing protection.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 26

For use in very loud and challenging environments. Ideal for industrial environments, sound engineers, amplified musicians and venue staff.

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A drum kit on average reaches 115 dB, which is dangerous for your ears after only 15 seconds. With the right hearing protection, you can play for over an hour without any potential hearing loss.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 20

Designed to soften harsh high-frequency sounds. The ideal hearing protection for drummers, motorsport and industrial uses.

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The loudest noise you can safely listen to is 70 dB. A sound at 80 dB you can listen to for 16 hours meanwhile a sound at 115 dB you can only listen for 15 seconds. Most sound engineers listen to music over these safe levels without hearing protection, which is one of the main reasons why approximately 74% of retired sound engineers have hearing related issues.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 17

The ACS Pro 17 ear plugs are the most versatile and natural sounding hearing protectors in the world. The protection standard for amplified musicians, DJ’s, vocalists, sound engineers, clubbers and gig-goers.

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ACS Pro 17 earplugs

The loudest noise you can safely listen to is 70 dB. A sound at 80 dB you can listen to for 16 hours meanwhile a sound at 115 dB you can only listen for 15 seconds. Most DJs play their music over these safe levels without hearing protection, which is one of the main reasons why approximately 70% of retired DJs have hearing related issues.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 17

The ACS Pro 17 ear plugs are the most versatile and natural sounding hearing protectors in the world. The protection standard for amplified musicians, DJ’s, vocalists, sound engineers, clubbers and gig-goers.

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ACS Pro 17 earplugs

The loudest acoustic instrument is the pipe organ, which can harm your ears within seconds if played at maximum volume. A drum kit on average reaches 115 dB, which is dangerous for your ears after only 15 seconds. With the right hearing protection, you can play for over an hour without any potential hearing loss.

To prevent hearing damage we recommend...

ACS Pro 17

The ACS Pro 17 ear plugs are the most versatile and natural sounding hearing protectors in the world. The protection standard for amplified musicians, DJ’s, vocalists, sound engineers, clubbers and gig-goers.

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ACS Pro 17 earplugs

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